H2D2 Praxis Innovation Lab
Didactically and digitally competent teaching and learning
Initial situation

The processes related to the students’ practical phases are to be made more transparent. So far, the information and contact persons are not to be found in a central place. Teaching-learning formats in which students can share the experiences of higher semesters in the sense of peer-to-peer exchange only exist in rudimentary form. Valuable experiential knowledge thus remains unused. In addition, the reflection of self-, social and key qualifications with regard to possible careers has not been given enough importance so far.

Project idea and goals

The PraxisInnovation-Lab works on the interlinking of studies and practice. The Praxis-Innovation platform facilitates the sharing of experience from internships, student traineeships and other practical phases, as well as low-threshold access to organisational matters and contact persons.

Informative, transparent and reflective: the Praxis-Innovation platform

The interdisciplinary digital reflection, information and networking platform enables students to share the experiences of others, reflect on their own and share them (anonymously). It facilitates transparent information about organisational steps and possible fields of work, among other things by referring to existing offline support structures. In addition, it offers students a transparent overview of open internship positions and thus facilitates their entry into the professional world.

Reflection units and (peer) counselling will also enable students to assess their own skills and attitudes towards the (digital) world of work and develop suitable career perspectives.

Link to project website:

Key data
    01.08.2021 – 31.07.2024
Project Support
  • Innovation in Higher Education Foundation
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Michael Herzog

Dr. Elke Mählitz-Galler

Yvonne Bönninger M.A.
