Veronika Weiß, M.A.
Since February 2019 Veronika has been working as a research associate in the DiMediCa project and is doing research on digitisation in educational training in the health and care sector. She evaluates the media competences of trainees in Saxony-Anhalt with regards to gender-specific consideration and develops new scenarios for learning support in order to Improve media proficiency. Veronika has studied communication design and spent a practical semester abroad for an internship in Tokyo that was supported with a scholarship from the Carl-Duisberg-Company. After receiving her diploma, she was working as a freelance designer with focus on illustrations, visual design and interface design for various agencies. In 2018, she completed her graduate studies with a M.A. in interaction design; her thesis “atopi – Support Possibilities for Children with Neurodermatitis” was honoured as the best master thesis of the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal.