Illusive – Outpaced – Antisocial?
Economy 4.0:
A Series of the Faculty of Economy at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, organised by the Research Group SPiRIT
Industrie 4.0: Eine sozioökonomische Chimäre?
Dr. Toni Richter (Volkswirt, Wirtschaftspolitik, Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
Eröffnung und Intro zur RVL durch
Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog (Prodekan Forschung, FB Wirtschaft, h2)
Infrastruktur oder Anwendung zuerst?
Das Henne-Ei Problem der Digitalisierung im ländlichen Raum.
Andreas Brohm (Bürgermeister Tangerhütte) und
Andreas Kluge (Geschäftsführer Zweckverband Breitband Altmark)
Wirtschaft trifft auf Digitalisierung und Realität auf Industrie 4.0
Wie ein Software Startup aus Stendal bei den Big Playern im Automotive-Anlagenbau mitspielt
Dipl.-Ing. Timur Ripke, CEO & Co-Founder,
Mats-Milan L. Müller, Head of Marketing
(COMAN GmbH Stendal)
Digitalisierung und Teilhabe
Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog (Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Forschungsgruppe SPiRIT, h2)
The Business of Measuring Stratospheric Ozone and Aerosol from Space: The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) on the International Space Station (ISS)
Dr. Marilee M. Roell (Science Manager, SAGE III, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia)
Theresia Laske (Projektleiterin ROLAND, h2, Fachbereich Wirtschaft)
Paul Osterburg (Projektentwickler)
In the course of digital organised progress, business economists are confronted with new requirements on technical, social, organizational and intercultural competencies. Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Everything and Data Analytics are considered as ‘game-changing’ tools of the digital business transformation. From the management’s and team’s point of view, digitisation especially means work assistance due to automation, accelerating processes, integration and controllability of complex dependencies, scalability of business plans, new chances for niche products, as well as new and worldwide usable distribution channels. On the other hand the monopole structures of the platform economics, the growing amount of information, the constantly increasing pressure in context of productivity growth, the dissociation of company valuation from traditional standards, an increasing reliance on fragile, complex and hardly ever error-free systems, the lack of digital infrastructure in rural areas and the focus of value and income in large cities set the current course of economic development. Technical specialists increasingly assume responsibility in the management and executive board of companies while classic economic science becomes less important concerning any duties and the impact on human-oriented structuring of Economy 4.0.
The lecture series “Economy 4.0” in Stendal questions latest trends that are connected with virtualisation, the platform economics and the social cultural change. It presents examples of competing developments, as well as new business models, concepts and companies from our local region. Furthermore we demonstrate and discuss with our guests from an international and earthy perspective on and about the technical development and economical perspectives.
With eight study programs in Stendal and Magdeburg, 4 of them in continuing education, 11 professors, 17 employees and 950 students, the faculty of economy at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal is one of the most important parties in teaching, research and transfer in the north of Saxony-Anhalt. The advanced master studies “Digital Business Management” is going to start in autumn 2019 as the newest product.
Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog, the interdisciplinary research group SPiRIT currently engages nine scientists in a total of seven research and development programs with an overall volume of 2 million euros in the fields Technology Enhanced Learning, Digitisation and Sustainability, as well as Inclusion and Technology.
- Prof. Dr. Michael A. Herzog
- Leonore Franz
- Oliver Friedl
- E-Mail: