Digital competence, digital literacy, digital skills "Approaches from computer science, media pedagogy and user experience"
Covid-19 once again made it clear what opportunities digitalization offers – at the same time, old and new limits became visible. Which individual competencies and skills will be indispensable in the future in order to be able to participate in a world shaped by digitality and to lead a self-determined life? Since the turn of the millennium, more and more considerations have arisen in this regard, which are summarized under the terms such as media competence, digital competence or digital literacy. Classically, these topics are seen in the field of media education, while computer science is assigned the instrumental views, which seems to deal purely with the technological implementation of digital technologies. Yet computer science, especially human-computer interaction, is also concerned with user experiences, cultural strategies, and practices touched by the digital transformation. ‘Digital literacy’ is thus of particular interest to many fields of research and can be considered from just as many points of view. This workshop therefore invites interdisciplinary exchange and aims to collect and classify existing research results and discussions that have emerged at the intersections of different disciplines on the topics of digital skills, media literacy and digital competence.
The workshop will be held as part of the GI Annual Conference INFORMATIK 2021, registration via the conference website is required. The workshop language is German. Contributions can be submitted in both English and German and are subject to peer review. Papers should be a maximum of 8 – 10 pages, short papers a maximum of 4 – 6 pages. Submissions must adhere to the LNI specifications. Accepted contributions will be published in the conference proceedings of the series ‘Lecture Notes in Informatics’ (LNI).
Main topics
- Digital Literacy, Digital Skills, Digital Competence, Media Competence
- Self-efficacy Expectations in HCI
- Self-determined Action in Interaction with Digital Technologies
- Social Practices in the Change of Digital Transformation
- First- and Second-Level Digital Divide
Program Committee
Veronika Weiß 1 Prof. Dr. Stefan Iske 2 Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog 1 Prof. Dr. Jens-Martin Loebel 1
1 University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal 2 Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
17.05.2021 Deadline for submission of abstracts (max. 1 page) 31.05.2021 Notification of authors 30.06.2021 Submission of final version 27.09.2021 Workshop date
Info The workshop is organized by the DiMediCa project. DiMediCa is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the funding code 01JD1802A/B.
Der Workshop wird vom Projekt DiMediCa ausgerichtet. Dieses wird aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01JD1802A/B gefördert.