Organizational Development in Teaching

The project ‘Qualität_h2’ (Quality_h2), which has been implemented at University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal since 2012 and was funded under the federal-state program ‘Qualitätspakt Lehre’ (Quality Pact for Teaching), will come to an end at the end of this year. This is reason enough for a summary of the results and successes of this measure for quality enhancement and development in the areas of study, teaching and organizational development at universities.

The collected findings of the project staff are now available as a book (e-book or print copy available under the link and provide interesting insights into partly complex development processes within the university.

Researchers from the SPiRIT research group tested new concepts of scientific work and digitization in university teaching as part of the QPL sub-project on teaching/learning quality in economics courses and implemented practical projects on course and curriculum development. Here, the focus laid directly on investigations into the feasibility of block teaching and the planning and implementation of an international semester in the business studies program.