Digital teaching beyond national borders
Starting in December 2020, the international research project ‘TRAC – Teaching and Learning Research Across Cultures.’ will be launched at the Department of Business. Building on the 10-year research and teaching cooperation Crossteaching with the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, a blended learning course on research learning at master’s level will be further developed and implemented at universities in Slovakia, Northern Macedonia and Jordan. Blended learning is a combination of virtual an non-virtual learning settings and methods. The cross-university exchange and the digital preparation of seminar content offer students the opportunity to engage deeply and intensively with content and with scholarship as well as scientific methods beyond the classic lecture situation. In addition to technical and scientific skills, the main aim is to strengthen students’ digital competence. Students should not only learn the technical handling of media in order to be optimally prepared for their future careers in business and administration. Two important aspects of the learning scenario are peer learning and peer feedback, which are used in all phases of the learning setting. The TRAC project also addresses the organizational and technical challenges of the international learning scenario. The research project was funded by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael A. Herzog and Leonore Franz (M.A.) at the German Academic Exchange Service. The funding comes from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the framework of the program ‘IVAC – International Virtual Academic Collaboration’.