IKKE – Freedom of Education and Accessibility by Digitizing Tools in Occupational Training
About one third of the German population is affected by impairments. Only about a half of those within working age are working in the general labour market. In many cases this is only possible by restructured education and extended occupational training. Most of the offered employment relationships tend to be helping professions.
The concept of the research project IKKE is the enabling of an occupational training for future cooks in a so-called ‘Inclusive Kitchen’ directed towards people with and without impairments. In co-operation, IKKE is going to research and develop a modern location- and time-independent access to professional qualification over a project period of three years (2018-2021). This plan also contributes to further development and the enhancement of attractiveness of the region Prignitz.
Inclusion due to the creation of an innovative learning environment
The aim of the project group, consisting of the BBZ Prignitz GmbH, the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg–Stendal, the rural district Prignitz and the Lebenshilfe Prignitz e. V., is to create an innovative, digital learning and teaching ambience for vocational training. Accessibility should be warranted due to the use of technology.
The plan is to put trainees in a self-determined and controlling position in which they are able to learn together and from one another flexible and systematised at any place of occupational training. Especially the individual learning outlines the main focus of the project.
Working together for a self-determined life in the middle of the society
The sensitization and assistance of companies, when dealing with the target group of people with disabilities, enables an expansion of training- and employment opportunities. This provides an approach for the central problem of the deficiency of employments as well as skilled labour.
‘It’s not the people with disabilities who have to cope but the society itself. The social life of everyone needs to be outlined and the dual training system requires a significant adjustment’, says project manager Prof. Dr. Matthias Morfeld.
Inclusion is achieved due to the change of spatial structures to the point of the arrangement of accessible and joint places of learning in firms, vocational training schools and in combined training. This is an integral part in the process of the integration of people with disabilities among inclusive schools, working and a self-determined life in context of social-political cross-section tasks.
Results are transferable on other job profiles
Mutual acceptance and tolerance in the social overall appearance are supported. The project leads to a better valuation of the physical and mental circumstances, abilities and know-how of people with disabilities.
The result is a sustainable and social wealth of experience for apprentices. In the form of lasting, digital tools these results are adaptable on arbitrary job profiles. Socialisation and the use of technology will be used increasingly for the qualification for people with disabilities in insurable employments.
Call for Action:
Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog
Wiss. Mi Victoria Batz