The 2023 #CMTB conference, focussing on AI, data, and ethics, has reached a successful conclusion. Our international student speakers and poster presenters from five countries have presented their research and developments in the field. The audience was impressed by the diverse range of topics, including explainable AI approaches to solve autonomous driving problems, the role of data protection officers in Europe, and the impact of social media on healthcare decisions during the pandemic.
Furthermore, attendees were able to gain a deeper understanding of the complex ethical issues surrounding AI, data, and technology. The conference was attended online and in the lecture hall on Campus Magdeburg-Herrenkrug by 67 engaged students and professors from Slovakia, Austria, Northern Macedonia, South Africa, and Germany.
The keynote about “Explainable AI: The Case of ChatGPT” was held by Professor Martin Homola, Comenius University Bratislava, and was concluded with a creative demonstration, highly appreciated by the audience.
The conference also featured several awards, with Veronika Mattova from Comenius University Bratislava winning the Best Peer Review Award, the Talk “Explainable artificial intelligence approaches to solve autonomous driving problems: A systematic literature review” by Lukas Gusenbauer, Benjamin Lengauer, and Eric Peuschel winning the Best Presentation Award elected by the international conference committee, and the research project “Changes of student learning behavior due to e-learning use during the pandemic” by Beate Bergsmann, Tom Gorecki, and Peter Paminger, an Austrian-German research team, winning the Best Poster award elected by conference participants in an online-voting on the conference miroBoard.
In conclusion, on behalf of the conference team and the program committee, Professor Michael Herzog thanked all presenters for their commitment and engagement in rigorous research. He invited motivated students who had fun with their research projects and the conference atmosphere to participate in a Ph.D. program at Magdeburg or their home institutions.
The 2023 CMTB conference was an excellent opportunity for students, researchers, and professionals to exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments and challenges in AI, data protection and analytics, VR, healthcare, and other digital transformation topics.
9:30 CET |
Start of Checkin at the conference venue | ||||
10:00 | Introduction Chair: Michael A. Herzog, Magdeburg-Stendal University |
10:10 | 1 | Keynote "Explainable AI: The Case of ChatGPT" Martin Homola, Comenius University Bratislava Chair: Ursula Niederländer, Johannes Kepler University Linz |
10:40 | Room switch, Coffee | ||||
Virtual Reality Ethics and AI for autonomous driving Chair: Zuzana Kubincova, Comenius University Bratislava |
Data Protection, Healthcare and Social Media Chair: Elizabeth Katzlinger-Felhofer, Johannes Kepler University Linz |
10:50 | 2 | Ethical concerns in VR |
5 | Conceptualising the Role of Data Protection Officers in Europe Lydia Izu, Lukas Gschwentner, Lukas Morscher |
11:10 | 3 | Mental Health and psychological well-being in the context of cognitive and executive functions in individuals with VR/AR Effect Nathalie Felder, Tanja Linzner, Aenreeya Mangta, Veronika Mattová |
6 | Big Data analytics in healthcare: Potentials and risks – A systematic literature review Stefanie Aigner, Severin Agostini, Mohamed El Ouahabi, Jan Schliemann |
11:30 | 4 | Explainable artificial intelligence approaches to solve autonomous driving problems: A systematic literature review Lukas Gusenbauer, Benjamin Lengauer, Eric Peuschel |
7 | How Instagram influenced Austrian university students’ vaccination decision during the Covid-19 pandemic Philipp Arnold, Viktoria Feichtinger, Sonja Lothring, Isabelle Taljaard |
11:50 | Room switch, Coffee | ||||
12:00 | 8 | Poster Madness Session Chair: Martin Homola, Comenius University Bratislava |
The Influence of TikTok on GenZ’s Impulsive Buying Behavior Franziska Graßauer, Evelyn Oberleitner |
Changes of student learning behaviour due to e learning use during the pandemic Beate Bergsmann, Tom Gorecki, Peter Paminger |
Different and common approaches and attitudes of Austrian and North Macedonian High Schools for digital learning in 2022-2023 Christian Gratzl, Daniel Gurgul, Fat Halimi |
Advantages and disadvantages of collaboration tools for project managers within a digital workplace Marlon Luis Castro Alfonso Sarah Friesenegger Daniel Menschulin Alexander Schurr |
Implementing digital workspaces - challenges companies and employees have to face in the project management field Manuel Gierlinger, Robert Schreiber, Julia Wolfesberger, Bernd Zeller |
E-health: An ethical consideration of applying wearables in health care Bernhard Großbichler, Andrea Pötscher, Katharina Strassl |
Cookies and consent, Data tracking and allowance Josef Birklbauer, Rexwhite Tega Enakrire, Madlen Mittermayr, Merlinda Mullabazi |
Theoretical Implementation of Predictive Analytics Moritz Elsner von Gronow, Bojana Naumoska, Uthman Ramdha Sidqin |
12:40 | 9 | Closing Ceremony Best Poster Award (Voting), Best Presenter Award Chair: Michael A. Herzog, Magdeburg-Stendal University |
~13:00 | End of conference and Checkout |
The Change MEDIA Transform BUSINESS (#cmtb) is a continuation of the well-known #TCCM conference. Since 2012, Think CROSS – Change MEDIA has been a meeting place for journalists, press officers, designers, and managers.
Since 2020, the Cross Media and Digital Business Management continuing education programs at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences have jointly organized the #CMTB. This conference also deals intensively with the topics of digital business and administration.
A vital part of this conference has been presenting students’ ideas and research work in an international context. Collaborative virtual teaching and learning in international student groups developed emergent topics resulting from a research seminar between five to six universities every year. This course attracted up to 100 students every year, included 5 to 10 professors and brought a variety of topics the younger generation is interested in into the CMTB conference.
February 4th, 2023, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
Magdeburg-Stendal University
Campus Magdeburg, Building 14, HS2
Breitscheidstr. 2, 39114 Magdeburg
Online Participation via Zoom.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael A. Herzog
Amelie Ries, BSc.
Kira Nitschke
Magdeburg-Stendal University
Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Kubincová, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Martin Homola, Ph.D.
Comenius University Bratislava
Mag.a Dr.in Elisabeth Katzlinger-Felhofer
MMag.a Dr.in Ursula Niederländer, LL.B.
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Prof. Vladimir Trajkovikj, Ph.D.
Prof. Andreja Naumoski Ph.D.
Ss Cyril and Methods University Skopje
Prof. Brenda Scholz, Ph.D.
Anthea Connolley Van der Hoogen, Ph.D.
Ife Fashoro, Ph.D.
Nelson Mandela University Port Elizabeth
Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Kubincová, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Martin Homola, Ph.D.
Comenius University Bratislava
Mag.a Dr.in Elisabeth Katzlinger-Felhofer
MMag. Dr. Martin Stabauer
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael A. Herzog
Magdeburg-Stendal University
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael A. Herzog
Prof. Dominik Schumacher
Magdeburg-Stendal University
Sabine Falk-Bartz
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
email: spirit@h2.de