Project karriereLEBEN
People who study pursue a career and that is why “Career Prospects” are an important part of university marketing. The objective is to analyse career paths that have already been taken by graduates but also to develop new opportunities – for example due to further expansion of the networks with companies. Eventually, an important task of the alumni work is to communicate the activities and successes of universities in public.
The project “karriereLEBEN” links three activities with each other. On the one hand, the “E-Folder” is intended to create social media database in which students have the opportunity to create and present their profiles during their studies. This information will be accessible to students, the career services of the university and companies after an approval. With the “OneShop” a joint contact and service level for students, alumni and economy is supposed to be developed, concerning internships, graduate placement and research services. In addition, a “meeting point career” shall be established for and by the alumni.
The alumni portal needs to be developed by the project and will stand for a strong networking of different activities in favour of career advancement. The program jury of the university initiative considered the high level of IT integration and the combination of study support, student acquisition, practical skills and commitment to the university to be highly innovative. “With its contribution, the university accepted that commitment of the alumni as advertising media, customers and supporters is only possible if they become familiar with the acquired skills and professional development paths of former graduates and making them available for the development of services and marketing activities.” The concept envisages that the “E-Folder”, the “OneShop” and the first testimonials will be developed earlier in 2012.The final implementation should be completed in 2013.
The concept of “karriereLEBEN” had been selected for funding by the jury of the competition “Career Paths” and was priced as the winner with a total of 125.000 euro.